Friday, May 19, 2023

US court approves extradition of 26/11 Mumbai attack accused Tahawwur Rana to India


A month before Prime Minister Narendra Modi's first state visit to the US, a federal court agreed to New Delhi's request, through Washington, for the extradition of Pakistani-origin Canadian businessman Tahawwur Rana to India where he is sought for his involvement in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks.

In a major victory for India's fight in bringing the perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks to justice, US Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Chooljian of the District Court of the Central District of California issued a 48-page order on Wednesday, saying Rana "should be extradited to India" under the extradition treaty between India and the United States.

"The court has reviewed and considered all of the documents submitted in support of and in opposition to the request, and has considered the arguments presented at the hearing. Based on such review and consideration and for the reasons discussed herein, the court makes the findings set forth below, and CERTIFIES to the Secretary of State of the United States the extraditability of Rana on the charged offences that are the subject of the request," the order said.

The order comes just over a month before Modi arrives in the US for his first state visit to Washington DC and will be hosted by President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden for a state diner on June 22.

The order noted that the court cannot certify Rana's extradition unless there is probable cause to believe he committed the offences for which extradition is sought. Citing its reasoning in detail, the order states: "Accordingly, the court finds there is probable cause to believe Rana committed the charged offences as to which extradition has been sought and should be extradited to India under the extradition Treaty between the United States and India."

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